This file provides an index to the example problems used to demonstrate FEMIS capabilities. In many examples, comments are included to provide a tutorial function. Some examples may suggest the usefulness of small models for prototyping large-scale FEM models. In some respects, FEMIS is a "matrix solver" which just happens to have a small FEM library. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WGTRUSS1.DAT Static Analysis of Plane Truss Structure in the textbook (pages 325-331) Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, 3rd edition. (used with permission of the authors) WGGRID2.DAT Static Analysis of a Grid Structure, Example 2, in the textbook (pages 342-345) Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, 3rd edition. WGPF1.DAT Static Analysis of a Plane Frame Structure, Example 1, in the textbook (pages 337-339) Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, 3rd edition. WGSF1.DAT Static Analysis of a Space Frame Structure, Example 1, in the textbook (pages 364-366) Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, 3rd edition. WGSF2.DAT Static Analysis of a Space Frame Structure, Example 2, in the textbook (pages 367-369) Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, 3rd edition. WGST1.DAT Static Analysis of Space Truss Structure, Example 1, in the textbook (pages 345-347) Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, 3rd edition. SMOPX.DAT Demonstrates matrix manipulative capabilities of FEMIS for Vibration Analysis of a Free-Free Beam (2-D). Modal Analysis by inversion of Mass Matrix. Symbolic matrix operations perform Guyan reduction to eliminate rotational Dofs. BEAM3D.DAT Demonstrates Sign Convention orientation using FEM Analysis of 3-D Cantilever Beam. Member forces can be compared to results of simple static analysis. Force Boundary Conditions (BCs) are used to establish deflected shapes; then Displacement BCs are used to replicate the original force system. DET.DAT Test Determinant Evaluation. VECTOR.DAT Illustrates the use of the "vector" operation in 2-D, 3-D, and Grid computational space. Vector describes direction cosines of a vector and can be used to develop transformation matrices. This operation is developed automatically within normal FEM operations. It provides transformation tools to rotate global coordinate systems at specific locations. SPTC_FUN.DAT Demonstrates the use of single-point constraints. A hinge is modeled at the center of a clamped beam. Member forces can be compared to the results of simple static analyses. BOX_PLOT.DAT Graphics Test using a Box Shape. It may be instructive to try Orientation & perspecTive plots. MPTC_FUN.DAT Demonstrates the use of multi-point constraints. A simple frame structure is modeled using a rigid girder. Comparable 2-D and 3-D models are analyzed. PLATE.DAT Demonstrates the ability to incorporate finite elements PLATE._MB created outside FEMIS into the FEM database by means of templates. This example considers a simply-supported plate subjected to a uniform load. This is an example of FEMIS use as a development platform. The binary file PLATE._MB, containing the element stiffness matrix, must be in the current directory. MEMBRANE.DAT Another example of incorporating external finite elements into FEM database. This is a test of membrane elements subjected to "shear-lock" critical loads. SPRINGS.DAT Vibration analysis of spring-mass systems. Demonstrates alternative methods for eigenvalue analyses. Spring element references nodepoint for connectivity .. geometric nodepoint data is not required. (A nodepoint reference catalogs the nodepoint.) BEAMBUCK.DAT Buckling Analysis of 2-D Column using Beam2 elements. Single-point constraints model inextensional behavior and reduce DOFs with improved accuracy. FRAME_BU.DAT Frame Buckling Analyses of 2-D Structure using incremental stiffness matrix. Demonstrates ability of FEMIS to assemble elements selectively and advantages to this approach. AXIAL.DAT Demonstrates 1-D vibration analysis using displacement/strain compatible (C1) elements. REVISE.DAT FEMIS has the ability to reorder dofs based on the magnitude of diagonal terms within a Stiffness matrix. UNDO.DAT This simple example shows how to repeat operational sequences within the input file by using the "marker" facility within the "reviewinput" operation. TRANSFER.DAT A comparison is made between FEM analysis and modeling by means of transfer matrices. A transfer matrix for a 2-D beam element is derived from the FEM stiffness matrix. DEFECT1.DAT This model demonstrates the ability to simulate structural defects by means of single-point constraints and local spring systems. PSBEAM1.DAT A simple model is used to demonstrate deflection behavior of post-tensioned, pre-stressed concrete beam. A comparison is made with more conventional models. The reinforcing pattern is a straight line in this model. PSBEAM2.DAT This is a repeat of PSBEAM1.DAT except the reinforcing pattern is parabolic. FEMFLEX1.DAT Comparison analyses are made using FEM and the matrix Force method. The Force method is facilitated by using symbolic matrix operations.